On january 2008 the project zaostri.sk becamed par to Project Wynergie. We offered services of websupport and internet marketing ro creators of project, later non-profit organisation. The goal of portal is to building and support the value of a family in Slovakia by offering professional informtaion about living in family, growing children, solving paroblems between partners and family spending time possibilities. We finished the cooperation with creators of project in 2010.
1.3.2010Ukončený i-marketing s neziskovým projektom zaostri.sk (2700 u.n.)
14.11.2007Po podrobnej analýze štruktúry návštevnosti sme navrhli a začali realizovať stratégiu internetového marketingu.pre zaostri.sk
26.2.2007Portál zaostri.sk spustený do prevádzky